Thursday, October 11, 2007

The 'Jena 6' story leaves me torn.

A student was severely beaten and that deserves punishment. Nooses were hung on a tree after a couple of black students sat beneath it and that deserves punishment.

I understand what injustice is going on here but I'm not sure what the solution is. The white students should have been expelled from school. I believe 3 day suspension is showing that a racially motivated act like will be only slightly intolerated.

But 'free the Jena 6'? Am I missing something here? It seems as if people are chanting this because the vandals of the most recent incident have not been brought to justice. What if everyone is brought to justice? Maybe the Jena 6 should not endure the charges against them, but people are suggesting that nothing happen.

Well it was really a treat to have Karen come talk to us about her observations from attending a demonstration in Jena. She told us about the happenings, but she did it like a reporter. I wonder what her opinions are of the incident.

I don't believe that I caught any stereotypes from the news media coverage, but I've missed them before. Then again, I was distracted by all the crap going on about OJ.

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