Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In response to the 2006 article about the declining numbers of blacks in journalism, I can understand the concern. Without diversity in media there is no dispersement of varied ideas through media viewers. I'm sure that fewer stereotypes are caught by people in the newsroom without the African-Americans working alongside them whose race will be affected by it.

What the article didn't address was why there was decline. It is stated that maybe blacks are not being hired because the hiring coordinators for these jobs are diversifying with other demographics, maybe other races but it didn't seem like that point was solid. I didn't see any statistics about the ratio of blacks applying for media jobs and actually being hired.

The articles two years previously showed a promising increase of minorities and women in the newsrooms and a decline of what's been the norm in newsrooms- white older males. Although the increase of diversity is in small steps, they are steps nonetheless.

I also must add that I think it's weird there are minority quotas every year to reach some sort of masterplan in 2025. I understand it's important to have realistic representation but it seems more reasonable just to make sure that no one is violating anyone's rights when hiring/not hiring.

The only real solution is one already being attempted which is to spread awareness to media companies and potential African-American journalists.

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