Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Future material

I know Dr. Lambiase said she is always looking for new material and I have an idea I don't think we covered in class.

Daytime talk shows, especially the Maury Povich show because it portrays minorities in a negative light.

Paternity testing and sex confessions make up most of the Maury show and black people make up most of those episodes. These people are shown as irresponsible players, sluts and cheaters. The women don't know who their babies fathers are and the men hope the lie detector test doesn't bust them for sleeping around.

This perpetuates the stereotype that black women are careless with sex and black men are untrustworthy.

Other programs that could be looked at include court t.v. shows that portray white trash stereotypes.

1 comment:

jacqueline said...


Hmmm, interesting topic--the race of people on talk shows (or confrontation shows). That's something I'll start thinking about for the next time I teach this course. Thanks!
